Design Case Studies
Design Projects and Case Studies
Portable Hand Rehabilitation Device
Snowboard Binding for Seamless Boarding
Semi-Automatic Fabrication Design for Complex Electrical Devices
Sustainable Intentional Living Communities
User Activated Notification System Design for Transit Stops
Work System Redesign for Electrical Contact Assemblies
Elevator Railing Design for Automatic Surface Disinfection
Matching Food Waste Supply with Food Insecure Demand
Sustainable Hot Beverage Cup Design
Fail-Safe Syringe Design
Knee Prosthesis for Amputees
HVAC System Design for Elementary School
Automotive Instrument Panel (IP) Manufacturing Process Optimization
Taking Emotion Out Of Trading
Textile Stitching Automation Design
Automotive Instrument Panel (IP) Manufacturing Dolly Redesign
Automotive Bumper Manufacturing Processes Improvement
COVID-19 Manufacturing Safety Response
Automated Hydroponic Nutrient Delivery System Design
Next Generation Compact Welding Repair System for Aircraft Components
Developing World Low Cost Portable Water Filter
Hydrogen Generation Feasibility Analysis
Medical Implant Mount Attachment Redesign
Paint Booth Exhaust Filtration Design
Sustainable Hot Liquid Container Product Design
Computer Rack Design for Autonomous Vehicles
Failsafe Coupling for Progressive Die Production
Thermal Load Management of Region-Owned Facilities
Automated Incinerator Filter Change Design
Real-Time Weld Quality Monitoring Need Analysis
Road Safety Signboard Trailer Redesign
Automotive Rear Bumper Manufacturing Process Optimization
Commercial Agricultural Gearbox Soundness Assessment and Redesign
Medical Radio Frequency Puncture System Manufacturing Tool Design
Heavy Die Set Assembly Manipulator Design
Scissor Lift Lower Frame Assembly Analysis and Design Recommendations
Epinephrine Auto Injector Need Analysis
Tire Tread Depth Indicator Product Design
Centrifuge Gearbox Test Rig Design
Low Cost Robotic Arm Design
Forestry Handling Machine Shaft Manufacturing Process Design
Hydraulic Power Unit Cost Reduction and Manufacturing Process Optimization
Gesture Dependent Response for Living Architecture
Automotive Sub-Frame Transfer System Design
Treatment Plant HVAC Design
Semi-Automatic Confections Packaging Design
Drone Payload Development Kit Design
Design of an Industrial Gearbox Family
Energy Recovery System for Earth Moving Trucks
FDM 3D Printer Assembly Kit Design
Design Workflow Process Design
Satellite Test Measurement System Brake Design
Problem Wall - STEM Problem Solving for Elementary School Students
Battery Electric Vehicle Transmission Unit Design Soundness Assessment
Scale-Up Ventilation Fan Product Design
Lightweight Structures Design for High-Speed Production Robotics
Space Flight Experiment Hardware Design (STS-52)