Design Research

Understanding the phenomenon of designing through the lens of scientific inquiry has become mature.  A growing body of literature exists that can be interpreted and effectively applied to practical applications in order to understand design (artifacts, processes and systems), as well as the act of designing (methods, processes and designer behaviors).



Nespoli, O.G., Hurst, A., and Gero, J.S., Exploring Tutor-Student Interactions in a Novel Virtual Design Studio, Design Studies, 2021.

Borgianni, Y., Dixon, B., Ekwaro-Osire, S., Nespoli, O.G., Summers, J. Thomas, W. and Zeng, Y., Domain-Independent Design Theory and Methodology to Boost the Adoption of Design Methods, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Jan 2023.

Holtta-Otto, K., Bjorklund, T., Klippert, M., Otto, K., Krause, D., Eckert, C., Nespoli, O.G., Albers, A., Facing Extreme Uncertainty – How the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic Influenced Product Development, International Journal of Creativity and Innovation, 20 Dec 2022.

Cardoso, C., Hurst A., and Nespoli, O., Reflective Inquiry in Design Reviews: The Role of Question-Asking During Exchanges of Peer Feedback, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 36, No 2, 2020.

Hurst, A, Lin, S, Treacy, C, Nespoli, O & Gero, J,S (2023) Comparing academics and practitioners Q & A tutoring in the engineering design studio, Proceedings of the Design Society , Volume 3: ICED23 , July 2023 , pp. 997 - 1006 

Hurst A. and Nespoli O.G., A Comparison of Instructor and Student Verbal Feedback in Engineering Design Capstone Review Meetings: Differences in Topic and Function, International Journal of Engineering Education, 2019.

Hurst A. and Nespoli O.G., Peer Review in Capstone Design Courses: An Implementation Using Progress Update Meetings, Capstone Conference Special Issue, International Journal of Engineering Education, 2015.

Hurst, A., Nespoli, O.G., and Gero, J.S., “’Design in the Semi-Wild’”: Exploring a Virtual Tutor Studio Pedagogy in Engineering Design”, Design Computing and Cognition DCC’20, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2020 (to appear).

Cardoso, C., Hurst, A. and Nespoli O.G., “Reflective Inquiry in Design Reviews: The Role of Question-Asking During Exchanges of Peer Feedback”, MUDD Design Workshop XI, May 2019.

Hurst, A., Nespoli, O.G., Abdellahi, S. and Gero, J.S., “A Comparison of Design Activity of Academics and Practitioners Using the FBS Ontology: A Case Study”, International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, Netherlands, 2019.

Nespoli O.G., Hurst A. and Russell J., Facilitating Need Finding and Problem Formulation During Cooperative Workterms Through Virtual Instruction – Pilot Implementation Results, International Design Conference – DESIGN 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2018.

Hurst A. and Nespoli O.G., A Two-Dimensional Typology for Characterizing Student Peer and Instructor Feedback in Capstone Design Project Courses, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2016.

Hurst A. and Nespoli O.G., Student Perceptions of Value of Peer and Instructor Feedback in Capstone Design Review Meetings, ASEE Capstone Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 2016.

Effa D., Lambert S.L. and Nespoli O.G., Using the Case Method to Facilitate Learning of Design for Manufacturing and Cost, Canadian Engineering Education Conference (CEEA), Hamilton, Ontario, June 2014.

Lambert S. and Nespoli O., Reflections on the Use of Case Studies in the Teaching of Engineering Design, International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, September 2013.

Bishop W., Nespoli O.G. and Parker W., Rubrics for Accreditation and Outcomes Assessment, Canadian Engineering Education Conference (CEEA), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2012.

Lambert. S.L., Effa D. and Nespoli O.G., Realizing CEAB Attributes Using the Case Method, Canadian Engineering Education Conference (CEEA), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2012.

Effa D., Nespoli O.G. and Lambert, S.B., Integrating Business Concepts and Entrepreneurship into an Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum Using Case Studies, International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, London, UK, September 2011.

Nespoli, O.G., Tempelman H., Spencer R and Lambert S.B., Disk Brake Design Case Study and Implementation Method Student Survey Results, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, B.C., June 2011.

Parker W., Fondacaro R. and Nespoli O.G., Employing Co-op Employer Evaluations to Assess Outcomes, Canadian Engineering Education Conference (CEEA), St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 2011.

Effa D., Lambert S.B. and Nespoli O.G., Learning Engineering Design through Multimedia Case Studies, Canadian Engineering Education Conference (CEEA), St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 2011.

Nespoli, O.G. and Lambert S.B., Engineering Design Case Studies: Effective and Sustainable Development Methods, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, June 2010.

Melek W.W., Stubley G.D., Nespoli O.G. and Lambert S.B., Use of Cases in Teaching Engineering Design Workshop to Undergraduate Students, Canadian Engineering Education Conference (CEEA), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 2010.

Lambert S.B. and Nespoli O.G., Building a Foundation for Multi-Disciplinary Design Using Case Studies, Transforming Engineering Education (TEE), IEEE, Dublin, Ireland, March 2010.

Nespoli O.G., Owen W. and Lambert S.L., Using Case Studies to Promote Group Learning and Teamwork Skills, Canadian Engineering Design Network (CDEN) Conference, July 2009, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Nespoli O.G., Owen W., Campbell C. and Lambert S.L., Engineering Case Study Implementation: Observations, Results and Perspectives, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin, Texas.

Nespoli O.G., Hagedorn A., Campbell C. and Lambert S.B., A Comparison of Business Case and Engineering Design Case Structures, Canadian Engineering Design Network (CDEN) Conference, July 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.



Virtual studio instruction for students in international practice contexts and tutors in academia.

Practitioner tutors and academic tutors coaching students on a reference case problem sourced from industry.

Teamwork self and peer assessments for 10 years of design instruction for 5 different design courses.

Design case studies for real problems in industry.


Editorial Service

Scientific Advisory Board Member, ICED 2025, University of Texas Dallas, USA 2025

Member of the Scientific Committee, NordDesign 2024, Rekyavik, Iceland 2024

Scientific Advisory Board Member, DESIGN 2024 Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2024

Scientific Reviewer, IASDR Congress 2023, Milan, Italy 2023

Scientific Advisory Board Member, ICED 2023, University of Bordeaux, France 2023

Scientific Advisory Board Member, Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’22) 2022

Scientific Reviewer, Design Science Journal 2021

Scientific Advisory Board Member, ICED 2021, Chalmers University,  Sweden 2021

International Program Committee Member, International Conference on Research into Design, IDC School of Design, IIT, Bombay, India 2021

Scientific Advisory Board Member, Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’20), Georgia Institute Of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2020

Scientific Advisory Board Member, DESIGN 2018 Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2020

Technical Program Committee Member, Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2020

Program Committee Member, The 22nd International DSM Conference (DSM 2020), Montreal, Canada 2020

Scientific Advisory Board Member, ICED 2019, TU Delft, Netherlands 2019

International Program Committee Member, 7th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD’19), Bangalore, India 2019

Scientific Advisory Board Member, DESIGN 2018 Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2018

Scientific Advisory Board Member, NORDDESIGN 2018 Conference, Linköping, Sweden 2018

Scientific Advisory Board Member, ICED 2017, Vancouver, Canada 2017

Scientific Advisory Board Member, DESIGN 2016 Conference, Cavtat, Croatia 2016